
Viewing posts for the category Toimintaa


Tammikuun lopulla pidettiin kolmas perinteinen Hackerspace Summit Finland. HSF on koko suomen hakkereiden yhteinen talvitapaaminen, johon oli kutsuttu kaikki nykyiset hacklabien jäsenet ja uuden pystyttämisestä haaveilevat. Tapahtuma järjestettiin Tampereella Oldskool ry:n klubitiloissa.

Torstaina 6.2 tmux koulutusta

Toveri Ville Valkonen (weezelding) järjestää tänä torstaina 6.2 klo 18.00 alkaen pajalla pienimuotoisen tmux -ikkunamanagerikoulutuksen. Tervetuloa paikalle.

Wireless charging TOH for Jolla

Here's the first wireless charging The Other Half made at Tampere Hacklab. It has a custom 3D-printed case, Samsung S3 wireless receiver, and connectors made with copper tape and some thin wire. There were some issues in placing the wireless receiver. It did not work when placed in the center of the phone, possibly due to interference caused by battery. Placing it in the bottom half of the case solved the issue. This is the first prototype and improved versions will be made later.

3D printed The Other Half for Jolla

Our friends at Jolla today released The Other Half developer kit. Tampere Hacklab 5w got an exclusive pre-release version of the Jolla TOH 3D-model in the end of December. The model is the exact CAD model from which the TOH's are built from. As the first step we decided to print it without any modifications with our Ultimaker 3D printer. The package contains also a 3D model of the phone's back side which can be useful while designing new hardware. The 3D models are released in .stl and .stp formats.
